Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Kiwi Mouse Trap

As you may have guessed by looking at the length of time between my Haiti posts, I am a bit behind, but I am working to catch up. While I'm on, I thought I would share a video I put together on how to catch a mouse without killing it.

It's called a Kiwi mouse trap because I heard about it through a Kiwi (that's New Zealand) mate of mine. There were a couple of guys living in a flat in NZ, and they had a mouse problem, so they devised this trap to catch multiple mice without resetting the trap. The originators actually filled the bucket half-full with water because they wanted to kill the mice. So, they set up this trap in their kitchen before going to bed, and when they got up in the morning, there were more than 30 mice drowned in the bucket. Amazing, eh.

Kiwi mouse trap video by yours truly.

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