Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Haiti is Where It's Happening

I found out that Crossroads Church is organizing a missions trip to Haiti to rebuild a church or a school a few weeks ago, when I saw the announcement in the trail map, which they give out as people walk in to the services on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings. When I first heard about the earthquake there, my initial thought was to get on a plane and head down there to help out. Unfortunately, I had just started teaching a course in ecology that lasted for two months, and there was no chance of getting out of it. The deadline for turning in the applications was today, and mine was on the top of the pile (yes, that means I turned mine in last). The church is sending two teams. One team will be going at the end of June, and the other will be going at the beginning of July. The team I’m on is supposed to leave on July 9th, and we will be there for about one week working to rebuild a church or a school.

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